
SUNXPLC high function motion control in one machine series

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Edit time: 2023-01-06 10:31
Hits: 8

 One-stop Solution One-stop solution
RTEX (Realtime Express) is a network bus system independently developed by Panasonic in order to realize higher synchronization and real-time performance of servo motor control.
System concept
Performance optimization
● By corresponding MINAS-A6N special function, to achieve more high speed and high precision control.
● Standard equipped with pulse output function, strengthen the stress of the system.
Can cope with a variety of applications
Panasonic network action
High speed
High instruction processing speed of 0.04μs
The scanning cycle ※ is shortened (compared with previous products by 40 point models)
Capacity 3 gears can be switched
Sport position control
Interpolation control
The interpolation control includes 2-axis linear interpolation, 2-axis circular interpolation, 3-axis linear interpolation and 3-axis spiral 
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