
HACH digital Universal Controller SC4500 series

Brand: HACH
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Edit time: 2023-02-07 16:32
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 - Relevant introduction
SC4500 digital universal controller improves the convenience, accuracy and effectiveness of the controller to a new level. Can be connected with a variety of hash digital sensors. A modern touch screen with comfortable touch features a variety of analog and digital communication options, as well as smart device and data management capabilities.
- Application industry
It can be used for monitoring municipal sewage, tap water, pollution sources, surface water, industrial process water and wastewater, especially for smart water related applications.
- Instrument characteristics
● Modern touch screen with comfortable touch, compatible with a variety of existing hashing digital sensors
Wide range of analog and digital connection options (including Ethernet, LAN, Profinet, etc.)
● Intelligent device and data management functions
The Prognosys built-in diagnostic software system provides proactive maintenance planning, including step-by-step instructions, to ensure reliable measurements and reduce the risk of unexpected outages
● The optional industrial Ethernet protocol can be SC4500 connected to the instrument information transmission to the data platform, improve the efficiency of customer for equipment management.
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