
Leybold dry vacuum pump series

Brand: Leybold
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Edit time: 2023-02-13 09:35
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 Dry vacuum technology is a new way to achieve high vacuum efficiency and improve productivity while reducing environmental impact compared to the use of traditional liquid pump technology. In essence, dry vacuum technology is a non-contact, non-wear design that does not rely on sealing fluids or lubricants to generate and maintain the desired vacuum level. Thus, eliminate or reduce the elements needed to keep a 50-year-old technology running. In modern industrial manufacturing, dry vacuum pumps help to reduce the cost of ownership, improve working conditions and extend the uptime of production.
The Leybold dry vacuum pump represents a major leap forward for various industries, both in terms of operational efficiency and increased production. The emergence of this technology has enabled multiple industry operations to significantly reduce equipment cycle times and increase productivity and output.
In addition to faster and more efficient operation, dry vacuum pumps also have significantly reduced maintenance requirements and longer service life. The Leybold dry vacuum pump is compact, quiet and cool.
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