
WTW portable colorimeter pHotoFlex Turb Series

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Edit time: 2022-12-30 11:30
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 pHotoFlex TURB: Portable multi-parameter photometer Full value pH, ORP and turbidity measurements for water analysis and environmental monitoring
Multifunctional special methods NH 3 and CO 2
Unique combination of pH and turbidity measurements
Turbidity measurements are 0.01-1,100 NTU according to DIN ISO 27027
With a unique combination of photometric, electrochemical pH and turbidity measurements with laboratory accuracy, pHotoFlex? Turb is a universal meter for a wide range of jobs - from environmental and process monitoring at replacement sites, through analysis and monitoring at fish hatcheries to drinking water sanitation offices and service laboratories.
Energy efficient LED optics with 6 wavelengths and smart adapters for a variety of applications in 16 and 28 mm cuvettes allow small concentrations to be measured through more than 150 programs for standard parameters, special methods and coloring. There are a large number of batch certified test tubes up to economical powder reagents. The love list of commonly used tests, sample ID numbers and over 3,000 measurements per battery pack help with field measurements.
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